Dr. Yaron Ariel is a senior lecturer and a full-time faculty member in the Department of Communication, Academic College of Jezreel Valley.
Yaron has been a lecturer and a researcher at the College of Jezreel Valley since 2003. He was the head of the Department of Communication at the Academic College of Jezreel Valley (2019-2023). He is the head of the Cyber studies track at the Department of Interdisciplinary Social Sciences [Since 2021]. He previously taught at the MBA programs and the Department of Information & Knowledge Management (M.A) at the Faculty of Management, University of Haifa [2011-2019]; at the School of Communications (B.A), and the School of Government, Diplomacy & Strategy (M.A) at the Reichman University (IDC Herzliya) [2008-2016]. Yaron was involved in research projects at the Center for Internet Research at the University of Haifa [2001-2009] and as a teaching assistant at the Department of Communication, Univ. of Haifa [2001-2003].
Main Interests
Computer-Mediated Communication; Social Media; Mobile Media; Interactivity; Online interruptions; Political Communication
His studies were presented at local conferences (e.g., ISCA, ISS, ILAIS, Chais) and international conferences (e.g., ICA, IAMCR, ECREA, AoIR, GOR, SMSociety) and published in books (e.g. ‘Oxford Handbook of Internet Psychology,’ ‘Cyberculture and New Media’ and ‘Psychological Aspects of Cyberspace,’ ‘Permanently Online, Permanently Connected’) and peer-reviewed journals (e.g. ‘Telematics & Informatics,’ ‘Public Relations Review,’ ‘Information & Management, ’Media, War & Conflict,’ ‘International Journal of Communication').
Google Scholar page ResearchGate page Academia.edu page ORCID page YVC page (Hebrew)
Articles in Peer Review Journals
Ariel, Y., Elishar, V., & Weimann-Saks, D. (2024). Analysing political engagement in a multimedia, multi-elections environment: predictive factors in an unpredictable political reality. The Journal of International Communication, 1–21. https://doi.org/10.1080/13216597.2024.2340710
Levy, E. C., Rafaeli, S., & Ariel, Y. (2024). The effects of online interruption pace and richness on task performance. Atlantic Journal of Communication, 1–15. https://doi.org/10.1080/15456870.2024.2317434
Ariel, Y., Unkel, J., Weimann Saks, D., & Malka, V. E. (2023). Far away but close at heart? German and Israeli consumption of news concerning the 2022 Russian–Ukrainian war. Media, War & Conflict, 0(0). https://doi.org/10.1177/17506352231212415
Elishar, V., & Ariel, Y. (2023). Twitter adoption and perceived Utility among Israeli News professionals: A mixed-methods study. Journal of Applied Journalism & Media Studies. online first, https://doi.org/10.1386/ajms_00122_1
Elishar Malka, V., Ariel, Y., & Weimann-Saks, D. (2023). Between the Homefront and Battleground, Between TV and Smartphone: Evaluating the Use of a Second Screen in the May 2021 Israel-Palestine Crisis. International Journal of Communication, 17(17), 3250-3266. https://ijoc.org/index.php/ijoc/article/view/19807
Levy, E. C., & Ariel, Y. (2022). The Effects of Fragmented and Continuous Interruptions on Online Task Performance. Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies, 12(4), e202229. https://doi.org/10.30935/ojcmt/12404
Weimann-Saks, D., Elshar-Malka, V., Ariel, Y., & Weimann, G. (2022) Spreading online rumours during the COVID-19 pandemic: the role of users’ knowledge, trust and emotions as predictors of the spreading patterns. The Journal of International Communication, 28(2), 249-264, http://doi.org/10.1080/13216597.2022.2099443
Weimann-Saks, D., Ariel, Y., & Elishar-Malka, V. (2022). The more I open up, the more you ‘like’ me: self-disclosure and intimacy predict engagement in women’s Facebook groups. International Journal of Web-Based Communities. 18(2), 173-185. https://doi.org/10.1504/ijwbc.2022.124776
Ariel, Y., Elishar-Malka, V., Seah, S., Weimann-Saks, D., & Weimann, G. (2022). #RumorsCOVID-19: Predicting the Forwarding of Online Rumors in Wuhan, China and in Israel. International Communication Gazette. 84(6) 550–569. https://doi.org/10.1177/17480485221074848
Ariel, Y., Elishar-Malka, V., Weimann-Saks, D., Avidar, R. (2021). “If you follow me, I might (mis)lead you”: Following prime ministerial candidates on social networks as a predictor of the public agenda during an election campaign. The Agenda Setting Journal: Theory, Practice, Critique. 5(2), 266-291. https://doi.org/10.1075/asj.20014.ari
Elishar-Malka, V., Ariel, Y., & Weimann-Saks, D. (2021). Migrating to social networks while watching televised sports: A case study of the effect of enjoyment on second screen usage during the World Cup. International Journal of Sport Communication. 14(3), 448-460. https://doi.org/10.1123/ijsc.2020-0325
Elishar-Malka, V., Ariel, Y., & Weimann, G. (2020). Rethinking political communication in the digital sphere. The Journal of International Communication. 26(2), 190-210. https://doi.org/10.1080/13216597.2020.1771397
Ariel, Y., & Elishar-Malka, V. (2019). Learning in the smartphone era: Viewpoints and perceptions on both sides of the lectern. Education and Information Technologies. 24(4), 2329–2340. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10639-019-09871-w
Weimann-Saks, D., Ariel, Y., & Elishar-Malka, V. (2019). Social Second Screen: WhatsApp and Watching the World Cup. Communication & Sport. 8(1), 123-141. https://doi.org/10.1177/2167479518821913
Ariel, Y., Elishar-Malka, V., Weimann-Saks, D., & Avidar, R. (2017). The future of Agenda Setting studies. The Agenda-Setting Journal: Theory, Practice, Critique. 1(2), 118-136. https://doi.org/10.1075/asj.1.2.03ari
Ariel, Y., Elishar-Malka, V., Avidar, R., & Levy, E.C. (2017). Smartphone's Usage among Young Adults: A Combined Quantitative and Qualitative approach. Israel Affairs. 23(5), 970-986. https://doi.org/10.1080/13537121.2017.1345422
Ginosar, A., & Ariel, Y. (2017). An analytical framework for online privacy research: What is missing?. Information and Management. 54(7), 948-957. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.im.2017.02.004
Weimann-Saks, D., Ariel, Y., Malka, V., & Avidar, R. (2016). Trends in public and media agenda-setting during the 2015 Israeli elections. Israel Affairs, 22(3), 1-16. https://doi.org/10.1080/13537121.2016.1174386
Levy, E. C., Rafaeli, S., & Ariel, Y. (2016). The Effect of Online Interruptions on the Quality of Cognitive Performance. Telematics and Informatics. 33(4), 1014-1021. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tele.2016.03.003
Malka, V., Ariel, Y., & Avidar, R. (2015). Fighting, Worrying, and Sharing: Operation ‘Protective Edge’ as the First WhatsApp War. Media, War, and Conflict. 8(3), 329-344. https://doi.org/10.1177/1750635215611610
Avidar, R., Ariel, Y., Malka, V., & Levy, E.C. (2015). Smartphones, publics, and OPRs: do publics want to engage? Public Relations Review, 41(2), 214-221. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pubrev.2014.11.019
Ariel, Y., & Avidar, R. (2015). Information, Interactivity, and Social Media. Atlantic Journal of Communication, 23(1), 19-30. https://doi.org/10.1080/15456870.2015.972404
Malka, V., Ariel, Y., Avidar, R., & Levy, E.C. (2015). “Operation ‘Protective Edge’: The First WhatsApp War?”. Kesher: Journal of Media and Communications History in Israel and the Jewish World, 47, 88-96 [Hebrew]
Avidar, R., Ariel, Y., Malka, V., and Levy, E.C. (2013). Smartphones and young publics: A new challenge for public relations practice and relationship building. Public Relations Review, 9(5), 603-605. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pubrev.2013.09.010
Chapter in Academic Books
Nir, B., & Ariel, Y. (2019). "Online connectedness as a cure for loneliness?". In: Fox, B. (Ed.). Emotions and Loneliness in a Networked Society (pp. 271-282). Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN: 978-3-030-24881-9
Elishar-Malka, V., Ariel, Y., & Avidar, R. (2019), "A Story of Love and Hate: Smartphones in Students’ Lives," Schulz, J., Robinson, L., Khilnani, A., Baldwin, J., Pait, H., Williams, A., Davis, J., & Ignatow, G. (Eds.) Mediated Millennials (Studies in Media and Communications, Vol. 19), (pp.33-50). Emerald Publishing Limited. ISBN: 978-1-83909-078-3
Elishar-Malka, V., Ariel, Y., Avidar, R. & Cohen, A.A. (2017). “Reconceptualizing uses and gratifications vis-à-vis smartphone applications: The case of WhatsApp.” In: Vorderer, P., Hefner, D., Reinecke, L., & Klimmt, C. (Eds.). Permanently Online, Permanently Connected: Living and Communicating in a POPC World (pp.43-50). New York, NY: Routledge. ISBN: 978-1138245006
Avidar, R., Ariel, Y., & Elishar-Malka, V. (2017). “Wartime changes in news consumption patterns among Israeli WhatsApp users: Operation Protective Edge as a Case Study.” In: D. Rubinstein & D. Caspi. (Eds.) Reporting the Middle East: Challenges and Chances. (pp. 79-98). World Scientific Publishing. ISBN: 978-981-3225-36-7
Weimann-Saks, D., Ariel, Y., Malka, V., & Avidar, R. (2017). “Trends in public and media agenda-setting during the 2015 Israeli elections”, in E. Orkibi, & M. Gerstenfeld (Eds.). Israel at the Polls 2015 A Moment of Transformative Stability. London: Routledge. ISBN: 978-1138637030
Rafaeli, S., Hayat, T., & Ariel, Y. (2011). Virtual knowledge-building Communities. In I. Management Association (Ed.), Virtual Communities: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications (pp. 1529-1535). Hershey, PA: Information Science Reference. ISBN: 978-1609601010
Rafaeli, S., Hayat, T & Ariel, Y. (2009). “Knowledge building and motivations in Wikipedia: Participation as Ba” In F. J. Ricardo. (Ed). Cyberculture and New Media. Rodopi Press, Amsterdam. ISBN: 978-9042025189
Rafaeli, S, & Ariel, Y. (2008). “Online motivational factors: Incentives for Participation and Contribution in Wikipedia.” In: A. Barak (Ed.), Psychological Aspects of Cyberspace: Theory, Research, Applications. Cambridge University Press. ISBN: 978-1139470179
Rafaeli, S., & Ariel, Y. (2007). ”Assessing Interactivity in Computer-Mediated Research.” In: A.N Joinson, K.Y.A McKenna., T. Postmes & U-D. Reips (Eds). The Oxford Handbook of Internet Psychology. Oxford University Press. ISBN: 978-0191008085
Rafaeli, S., Hayat, T., & Ariel, Y. (2005). “Wikipedians’ sense of community, motivations, and knowledge building: a cross-cultural study” Proceedings of Wikimania 2005 – The First International Wikimedia Conference. August 2005, Frankfurt, Germany. ISBN: 978-145034229
Academic publications
Ariel, Y. (2009). “Interactivity, Cognition, and Value of Information: Interactive Information Exchanges in Online-Mediated Environments.” Doctoral Dissertation, Graduate Studies Authority, University of Haifa.
Ariel, Y. (2003). “Web site interactivity and gratifications expectations among users.” A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for an M.A. degree, University of Haifa, Department of Communication.
International Conferences
Levy, E.C., Rafaeli, S., & Ariel, Y. (2024). Frequency Matters? Assessing the Impact of Online Interruptions on Work Pace. The 26th International Conference of General Online Research (GOR). 21 - 23 February 2024, Cologne, Germany.
Weimann-Saks, D., Elishr, V., & Ariel, Y. (2024). Engagement Dynamics and Dual Screen Use During the 2022 FIFA World Cup. The 26th International Conference of General Online Research (GOR). 21 - 23 February 2024, Cologne, Germany.
Ariel, Y., Weimann-Saks, D., & Elishr, V. (2024). Navigating Political Turbulence: A Study of Trust and online / offline Engagement in Unstable Political Contexts. The 26th International Conference of General Online Research (GOR). 21 - 23 February 2024, Cologne, Germany.
Elishr, V., Weimann-Saks, D., & Ariel, Y. (2024). Anxiety and Psychological distance as a drive of mainstream and online media consumption during war. The 26th International Conference of General Online Research (GOR). 21 - 23 February 2024, Cologne, Germany.
Ariel, Y., Weimann-Saks, D., & Elishar-Malka, V. (2023). “Understanding the influence of irregular political conditions on pre-election political engagement preferences.” International Association for Media and Communication Research - IAMCR 2023. 9-13 July 2023, Lyon, France.
Unkle, J., Elishar-Malka, V., Ariel, Y., & Weimann-Saks, D. (2023). “Consuming news about the 2022-2023 Russian-Ukrainian war in Germany and Israel: A comparative analysis.” International Association for Media and Communication Research - IAMCR 2023. 9-13 July 2023, Lyon, France.
Wiemann-Saks, D., Ariel, Y., & Elishar-Malka, V. (2023). “Examining the Role of Engagement in Sports Events Second Screen Usage: An Analysis of the FIFA World Cup in Qatar 2020 as a Media Event”. In International Association for Media and Communication Research - IAMCR 2023. 9-13 July 2023, Lyon, France.
Elishar-Malka, V., Ariel, Y., & Weimann-Saks, D. (2022). Dual screening at war: Israeli civilians’ use of smartphones during Televised war broadcasts. 12th International Conference on Social Media & Society. July 18-20, 2022, Online Conference.
Vasiliu, V., Weimann, G., & Ariel, Y. (2022). Information dissemination of extremist on Facebook. General Online Research Conference 2022 (GOR 22). 7-9 September 2022, Berlin, Germany.
Ariel, Y., Elishar-Malka, V., & Weimann-Saks, D. (2022). Follow me: Social media users and factors affecting agendas during Election. General Online Research Conference 2022 (GOR 22). 7-9 September 2022, Berlin, Germany.
Elishar Malka, V., Weimann-Saks, D., & Ariel, Y. (2022). Handling life under fire in a multi-media environment: Israeli civilians use of Second Screens during Operation "Guardian of the Walls.” General Online Research Conference 2022 (GOR 22). 7-9 September 2022, Berlin, Germany.
Weimann Saks, D., Ariel, Y., Elishar-Malka, V., & Weimann, G. (2022). Spreading online rumors during a global pandemic: the role of knowledge, trust, and emotions. General Online Research Conference 2022 (GOR 22). 7-9 September 2022, Berlin, Germany.
Elishar-Malka, V., Ariel, Y., & Weimann-Saks, D. (2022). Understanding Civilians’ Usage of Smartphones as a Second Screen under Fire: The Case of Israel’s Military Operation “Guardian of the Walls”. The 72nd Annual International Communication Association (ICA) Conference. Paris, France
Ariel, Y., Elishar-Malka, V., & Weimann-Saks, D. (2021). Personal Agenda Setting? The effect of following patterns on social media during Election. General Online Research 2021. 8 - 10 September 2021. [Online – Hub Berlin, Germany]
Weimann-Saks, D., Elishar-Malka, V., & Ariel, Y. (2021). Psychological factors as mediators of second screen usage during viewing sport broadcasts. General Online Research 2021. 8 - 10 September 2021. [Online – Hub Berlin, Germany]
Elishar-Malka, V. Seah, S., Weimann-Saks, D., Ariel, Y., & Weimann, G. (2021). Forwarding Pandemic Online Rumors in Israel and in Wuhan, China. General Online Research 2021. 8 - 10 September 2021. [Online – Hub Berlin, Germany]
Elishar-Malka, V. Seah, S., Weimann-Saks, D., Ariel, Y., & Weimann, G. 'Spreading Covid-19 related rumors via WeChat and WhatsApp: The case-studies of Wuhan, China, and Israel. International Association for Media and Communication Research – IAMCR 2021. 11-15 July 2021. [Online – Hub Nairobi, Kenya].
Weimann Saks, D., Ariel, Y., & Elishar-Malka, V. (2021). Watching the World Cup broadcasts: Enjoyment and Engagement via Second Screen. International Association for Media and Communication Research – IAMCR 2021. 11-15 July 2021. [Online – Hub Nairobi, Kenya].
Ariel, Y., Elishar-Malka, V., & Weimann-Saks, D. (2019). "Handling Information Biases: A Proposition." Understanding Transition VII: Voices of the voiceless: New challenges of mobilization and citizen engagement. September 11-12, 2019. University of Bucharest, Romania.
Weimann-Saks, D., Elishar-Malka, V., & Ariel, Y. (2019). "Anonymity, intimacy, involvement, and support in women's closed Facebook groups." Understanding Transition VII: Voices of the voiceless: New challenges of mobilization and citizen engagement. September 11-12, 2019. University of Bucharest, Romania.
Elishar-Malka, V., Ariel, Y., & Weimann-Saks, D. (2019)."Using WhatsApp while watching the World Cup 2018 Broadcasts: A new form of users' engagement". Understanding Transition VII: Voices of the voiceless: New challenges of mobilization and citizen engagement. September 11-12, 2019. University of Bucharest, Romania.
Ariel, Y., & Elishar-Malka, V. (2019). Twitter as a Journalistic Work-Tool in a Twitter-unfriendly Society. The Fifteenth International Conference on Technology, Knowledge & Society. CosmoCaixa Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain. 11-12 March 2019
Elishar-Malka, V., Ariel, Y., & Weimann-Saks, D. (2019). Handling Information Biases and Fake News across the Digital World. The Fifteenth International Conference on Technology, Knowledge & Society. CosmoCaixa Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain. 11-12 March 2019
Weimann-Saks, D., Elishar-Malka, V., & Ariel, Y. (2019). The Virtual Women Community: A supportive environment for exposure and intimacy. The Fifteenth International Conference on Technology, Knowledge & Society. CosmoCaixa Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain. 11-12 March 2019
Elishar-Malka, V., & Ariel, Y. (2018). Social media, Legacy media, and the public, in the Trump(ing) era. Affect & Social Media #4 (A&SM#4): Notifications from the Technological Nonconscious. 7 November 2018 London, U.K.
Elishar-Malka, V., Weimann-Saks., & Ariel, Y. (2018).The Secret Online World of Women: Intimacy and Exposure among Women’s Closed Facebook Groups. Affect & Social Media #4 (A&SM#4): Notifications from the Technological Nonconscious. 7 November 2018 London, U.K.
Ariel, Y., & Nir, B. (2018). "Online connectedness as a cure for loneliness?". International Conference on Loneliness in the Age of Mobile and Social Media, University of Wolverhampton, Wolverhampton, U.K. 23 February 2018.
Ariel, Y., Elishar-Malka, V., Weimann-Saks, D., & Avidar, R. (2018). Hybrid Media Systems during election campaigns: Challenging and tracing the question of "Who sets the agenda?" ICA preconference: Making Sense of Election Reporting: New Directions, New Challenges? Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic. 24 May 2018.
Ariel, Y., Elishar-Malka, V., Weimann-Saks, D., & Avidar, R. (2018). "Too close to call: Hybrid Media System Approach to News Topics' Salience during Election Campaign". The 20th International Conference of General Online Research (GOR), TH Köln - University of Applied Sciences, Köln, Germany 28 February-2 March.
Ariel, Y., & Elishar-Malka, V. (2018). "Fake News", Public Opinion, and the Political Uses of Online Social Media." The 20th International Conference of General Online Research (GOR), TH Köln - University of Applied Sciences, Köln, Germany 28 February-2 March.
Elishar-Malka, V., Ariel, Y., & Avidar, R. (2018). "A story of Love and Hate: College Students and the Role of Smartphones in their Lives." The 20th International Conference of General Online Research (GOR), TH Köln - University of Applied Sciences, Köln, Germany 28 February-2 March.
Weimann-Saks, D., Elishar-Malka, V., & Ariel, Y. (2018). "Intimacy and Sharing among Closed Women's Facebook Groups." The 20th International Conference of General Online Research (GOR), TH Köln - University of Applied Sciences, Köln, Germany 28 February-2 March.
Ariel, Y., Weimann-Saks., Avidar, R., & Elishar-Malka, V. (2017). "Covering elections in a multimedia environment: Comparing data from traditional and new media during the 2015 Israeli election". Journalism, Society and Politics in the Digital Media Era. International Conference. Limassol, Cyprus, September 1-3, 2017
Chen-Levy, E., Ariel, Y., & Rafaeli, S. (2017). "Effects of online interruptions: Rich, poor, fragmented & continuous". Annual Conference of the Association of Internet Researchers (AoIR): Networked Publics. Tartu, Estonia, 18-21 October 2017
Elishar-Malka, V., & Ariel, Y. (2017). "The new game-changer? Analyzing Twitter as a new journalistic work-tool in the context of journalists and politicians' relationships. Journalism, Society and Politics in the Digital Media Era. International Conference. Limassol, Cyprus, September 1-3, 2017
Avidar, R., Weimann-Saks, D., Ariel, Y., & Elishar-Malka, V. (2017). "Agenda-Setting research online: Unique theoretical and empirical challenges. Journalism, Society and Politics in the Digital Media Era. International Conference. Limassol, Cyprus, September 1-3, 2017
Avidar, R., Ariel, Y., Weimann-Saks, D., & Elishar-Malka, V. (2017). “Public Relations and Agenda-Setting Research in a Time of Convergence.” Barcelona International Critical PR Conference 7. Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona Spain, July 3-4, 2017
Ariel, Y., Elishar-Malka., Weimann-Saks., & Avidar, R. (2017). “Researching agenda-setting online: Theoretical and empirical challenges”. The 19th International Conference of General Online Research (GOR), HTW Berlin – University of Applied Sciences, Berlin, Germany 15-17 March 2017.
Ariel, Y., & Levy, E.C. (2017). “Smartphones uses trends 2013-2016: A digital divide perspective”. The 19th International Conference of General Online Research (GOR), HTW Berlin – University of Applied Sciences, Berlin, Germany 15-17 March 2017.
Levy, E.C., Rafaeli, S., & Ariel, Y. (2017). Online Fragmented Interruptions and Online Continuous Interruptions. The 19th International Conference of General Online Research (GOR), HTW Berlin – University of Applied Sciences, Berlin, Germany 15-17 March 2017.
Elishar-Malka, V., & Ariel, Y. (2017). “Journalists and politicians’ relationships in the Twitter environment: A new game-changer?”. The 19th International Conference of General Online Research (GOR), HTW Berlin – University of Applied Sciences, Berlin, Germany 15-17 March 2017.
Ginosar, A., & Ariel, Y. (2016). “Online privacy: Websites managers’ perspective and policy implications.” Conference of the European Communication Research and Education Association (ECREA). November 9-12, 2016.
Weimann-Saks, D., Elishar-Malka, V., Avidar, R., & Ariel, Y. (2016). "Analyzing Users and the Media Agenda Setting during the 2015 Israeli General Elections". International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR). University of Leicester, U.K. July 27-31 2016.
Elishar-Malka, V., & Ariel, Y. (2016). "Twitter as a Journalistic work-tool: The unique Israeli case-study." International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR). University of Leicester, U.K. July 27-31 2016.
Ariel, Y., Malka, V., Avidar, R., & Weimann-Saks, D. (2016). “Public Agenda 2.0: Comparing data from traditional and new media during the 2015 Israeli election”. The 18th International Conference of General Online Research (GOR), Cologne University of Applied Sciences. Cologne, Germany. March 2-4, 2016.
Ariel, Y., & Vasiliu, V. (2016). “Comparison of Facebook and WhatsApp usages.” The 18th International Conference of General Online Research (GOR), Cologne University of Applied Sciences. Cologne, Germany. March 2-4, 2016.
Malka, V., & Ariel, Y. (2016). “Utilizing Twitter as a journalistic work-tool: the Israeli case-study.” The 18th International Conference of General Online Research (GOR), Cologne University of Applied Sciences. Cologne, Germany. March 2-4, 2016.
Ginosar, A., & Ariel, Y. (2015). “Privacy on the Net: Connections between Knowledge, Concerns, and Behavior.” The International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR) Conference. University of Quebec, Canada. July 12th-16th, 2015.
Ginosar, A., & Ariel, Y. (2015). “Privacy online: Knowledge, concerns, and behavior of users, sites managers, and policy-makers”. The 6th Annual International Social Media & Society Conference (#SMSociety15). Toronto, Canada July 27-29, 2015
Krispil, O., Ariel, Y., & Nir, B. (2015). “Digital Divide and Perceived Intimacy”. The International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR) Conference. University of Quebec, Canada. July 12th-16th 2015
Ariel, Y., & Malka, V. (2015). “Social network sites and smartphone’s news alerts as an alternative means for news consumption in Israel”. The 17th International Conference of General Online Research (GOR), Cologne University of Applied Sciences. Cologne, Germany. March 18-20 2015.
Malka, V., Ariel, Y., Avidar, R. (2015). “Users’ best friend during a national crisis? WhatsApp and its roles in the lives of Israeli citizens in wartime”. The 17th International Conference of General Online Research (GOR), Cologne University of Applied Sciences. Cologne, Germany. March 18-20 2015.
Levy, E.C., Rafaeli, S., & Ariel, Y. (2014). "Online interruption: Relevancy of media richness theory". The 64th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association. Seattle, WA. May 22-26 2014.
Avidar, R., Ariel, Y., Malka, V., & Levy, E.C. (2014). “Smartphones, Publics, and OPR: Do Publics Want to Engage?”. The 21th International Public Relations Symposium (BledCom). Bled, Slovenia. July 4-5 2014.
Levy, E.C., Rafaeli, S., & Ariel, Y. (2014). Online interruption: Relevancy of media richness theory. The Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA). Seattle, WA. May 2014 (Accepted)
Ariel, Y.,& Vasiliu, V. (2014). “Political participation and voting intention of SNS users”. The 16th International Conference of General Online Research (GOR), Cologne University of Applied Sciences. Cologne, Germany. March 5-7 2014.
Malka, V., Ariel, Y., Avidar, R., & Levy, E.C. (2014). “What‘s up in Whatsapp world? The role of a popular smartphone application in the lives of Israeli users”. The 16th International Conference of General Online Research (GOR), Cologne University of Applied Sciences. Cologne, Germany. March 5-7 2014.
Ariel, Y., & Levy, E.C. (2014). “Smartphones and second-level digital divide”. The 16th International Conference of General Online Research (GOR), Cologne University of Applied Sciences. Cologne, Germany. March 5-7 2014.
Avitay, S., Ariel, Y., & Rafaeli, S. (2014). “Prominent on online knowledge communities”. The 16th International Conference of General Online Research, Cologne University of Applied Sciences. Cologne (GOR), Germany. March 5-7 2014.
Avidar, R., Ariel, Y., Malka, V., & Levy, E.C. (2013). “Smartphones- a new Opportunity for Relationship Building and Engagement”. Euprera Annual Congress 2013. Ramon Lull University, Barcelona, Spain. October 2013. (Accepted)
Carmel, O., & Ariel, Y. (2013). Measuring audience: considering time and medium shifts. The annual conference for the International Association for Media & Communication Research (IAMCR) at Dublin City University, Dublin, Ireland 25th-29th June 2013
Ariel, Y., Malka, V., Avidar, R. & Levy E. C. (2013). “The Usability of Smartphones among Youngsters”. The annual conference for the International Association for Media & Communication Research (IAMCR) at Dublin City University, Dublin, Ireland 25th-29th June 2013
Ariel, Y., Levy E.C., & Rafaeli, S. (2013). Smartphones and Digital Divide. The annual conference for the International Association for Media & Communication Research (IAMCR) at Dublin City University, Dublin, Ireland. June 2013.
Avidar, R., Ariel, Y., Malka, V., & Levy, E.C. (2013). “Smartphones and Youngsters: A New Challenge for Public Relations Practice and Relationship Building”. The 20th International Public Relations Symposium (BledCom 2013). Lake Bled, Slovenia, June 14-15, 2013
Ariel, Y., & Vasiliu, V. (2013). Perceived and presumed trustworthiness of Wikipedia’. The 15th International Conference of General Online Research (GOR), March 4-6 2013, Cooperative State University Mannheim, Germany
Levy, E.C., Rafaeli, S., & Ariel, Y. (2013). ‘The Effect of Chat as Continuing Interruption on Cognitive Performance’. The 15th International Conference of General Online Research (GOR), March 4-6 2013, Cooperative State University Mannheim, Germany
Levy, E.C., Ariel, Y., Avidar, R., & Malka, V. (2013). ”Young early smartphone adopters’. The 15th International Conference of General Online Research (GOR), March 4-6 2013, Cooperative State University Mannheim, Germany
Manosevitch, E., & Ariel, Y. (2012). ‘User-Generated Content and Participatory Journalism’. Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), 24-28 May 2012, Phoenix, Arizona USA
Levy, E.C., Rafaeli, S., & Ariel, Y. (2012). ‘Online Interruption Effect on Cognitive Performance’. The 14th International Conference of General Online Research (GOR), March 5-7 2012, Cooperative State University Mannheim, Germany
Ariel, Y., Levy, E.C., & Rafaeli, S. (2012). ‘Mobile Phone Users Behavior: The Israeli Case’. The 14th International Conference of General Online Research (GOR), March 5-7 2012, Cooperative State University Mannheim, Germany
Levy, C-E., Rafaeli, S., & Ariel, Y. (2011). “Richness of Interruption messages – take your time?”. The conference of the International Association of Communication and Media Research (IAMCR). July 2011, Kadir Has University in Istanbul, Turkey
Manosevitch, E., & Ariel, Y. (2011). “Conceptualizing UGC in the Context of Participatory Journalism”. The conference of the International Association of Communication and Media Research (IAMCR). July 2011, Kadir Has University in Istanbul, Turkey
Avidar, R., & Ariel, Y. (2008). “Exploring Interactivity and Responsiveness Divergence”. Internet Research 9.0 (AoIR). Copenhagen, Denmark. October 2008
Ariel, Y. (2007). “Interactive information exchanges in online-mediated environments”. Doctoral Colloquium of Internet Research 8.0 (AoIR), Vancouver, Canada. October 2007
Rafaeli, S., Ariel, Y., Hayat, T. & Pollak, H. (2007). “Knowledge network analysis in Wikipedia: Nodes as opinion leaders”. Presented at Internet Research 8.0 (AoIR), Vancouver, Canada. October 2007
Rafaeli, S., Ariel, Y., & Hayat, T. (2007). “Virtual knowledge-building Community & Users Incentives: Wikipedia Case.” The 57th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), San Francisco, CA USA May 24-28, 2007
Levanon, Y., & Ariel, Y. (2007). “Virtual Communities Usages: Content analysis & Survey of Locally Based Mailing Lists.” The Ninth International GOR Conference (GOR), March 26-28, 2007 Leipzig, Germany
Ariel, Y., Ben-Zvi, D., Forte, A., Kali, Y., Konja, M., Levin-Peled, R., Meishar-Tal, H., Rafaeli, S., Ravid, G., & Tal-Elhasid, E. (2006). “Wiki Uses in Learning and Teaching – Panel” Paper presented at the Wikimania, August 4-6 Boston, MA, USA
Rafaeli, S., Ariel, Y., & Hayat, T. (2006). “Sense of (Virtual) Community.” Presented at The Eighth International Conference General Online Research (GOR), Bielefeld, Germany, March 2006
Ariel, Y., Ben-Zvi, D., Forte, A., Kali, Y., Konja, M., Levin-Peled, R., Meishar-Tal, H., Rafaeli, S., Ravid, G., & Tal-Elhasid, E. (2006). “Wiki Uses in Learning and Teaching -Panel.” Paper presented at the WikiSym August 21-23 2006, Odense, Denmark.
Rafaeli, S., & Ariel, Y. (2005). “Interactivity and the Subjective Value of Information.” Paper presented at Internet Research 6.0: Internet Generations (AoIR), October 2005, Chicago, IL, USA.
Levanon, Y., & Ariel, Y. (2005). “Uses Typologies: Networked Communities Mailing Lists.” Paper presented at Internet Research 6.0: Internet Generations (AoIR), October 2005, Chicago, IL, USA.
Rafaeli, S., Hayat, T & Ariel, Y. (2005). “Wikipedia Community: Users’ Motivations and Knowledge Building.” Presented at Cyberculture 3rd Global Conference. August 2005 Prague, Czech Republic
Rafaeli, S., Hayat, T., & Ariel, Y. (2005). “Wikipedians’ sense of community, motivations, and knowledge building: a cross-cultural study” Proceedings of Wikimania 2005 – The First International Wikimedia Conference. August 2005 Frankfurt, Germany
Ariel, Y. (2005). “Web user’s gratifications expectations.” Presented at the Seventh International Conference General Online Research (GOR), University of Zurich, Switzerland, March 2005
Ariel, Y. (2004). “Web Site interactivity and gratifications expectations among users.” Presented at the Association of Internet Researchers Conference (AoIR), University of Sussex, Falmer, Brighton U.K, September 2004
Local Conferences
Ariel, Y., Elishar-Malka, V., & Weimann-Saks, D. (2022). "It spreads like an epidemic, spreading online rumors during a global pandemic". The 24th Israel Communication Association conference. 20 June 2022, The Hebrew University, Jerusalem.
Weimann Saks, D., Ariel, Y., Elishar-Malka, V. (2022). "Evaluation of the use of the second screen during the "Guardian of the Walls" operation". The 24th Israel Communication Association conference. 20 June 2022, The Hebrew University, Jerusalem.
Ariel, Y., & Elishar-Malka, V. (2019). "Smartphones within the Academia: Viewpoints and Perceptions on Both Sides of the Lectern." The 14th Chais Conference for the Study of Innovation and Learning Technologies. March 2019. The Open University, Raanana.
Weimann-Saks. D., Ariel, Y., & Elishar-Malka, V. (2019). Watching Alone Together: Using WhatsApp while watching the 2018 World Cup in Israel. The 23rd Israel Communication Association Conference. April 2019. Hadassa College, Jerusalem.
Elishar-Malka, V. Ariel, Y., & Weimann-Saks. D. (2019). "Self-Exposure and Loneliness among Women: Engagement in Closed Women Groups on Facebook as Mediator". The 23rd Israel Communication Association Conference. April 2019. Hadassa College, Jerusalem.
Ariel. Y. (2019). "New technology in a state of national emergency". Life on the Screen: Smartphones in Personal and Public Sphere. Info2020: The 35th Annual Conference. May 2019. Tel Aviv.
Levy, E.C., Ariel, Y. & Gur, A. (2019). "Smartphones' Interruption and Service Quality". The 13th Annual Conference of the Israel Association for Information Systems (ILAIS). June 2019. Tel-Aviv University.
Gur, A., Levy, E.C., & Ariel. Y. (2019). " Patients' perceptions of doctors using smartphones during medical encounters". The 7th International Jerusalem Conference on Health Policy: Health and healthcare in the age of innovation. September 2019. ICC Jerusalem
Elishar-Malka, V., & Ariel, Y. (2018). "Return of the hypodermic needle model? 'Fake news', public opinion and the political use of social networks". The 22th Annual Conference Israel Communication Association. 29 March 2018, The Collage of Management Academic Studies, Rishon Lezion.
Levy, E.C., Rafaeli, S., & Ariel, Y. (2017). Variations of Online Interruptions. The 11TH annual conference of the Israel Association for Information Systems – ILAIS 2017, July 10, 2017 Bar Ilan University
Krispil, O., Rafaeli, S., & Ariel, Y. (2017). “A wall of shame: “public shaming” and online social networks”. The 21th Annual Conference Israel Communication Association.. Sapir Academic College. 2 April 2017
Elishar-Malka, V., & Ariel, Y. (2017. “To be where the news is happening…” Twitter as an arena for journalistic activity in Israel”. The 21th Annual Conference Israel Communication Association. Sapir Academic College. 2 April 2017
Ariel, Y., Weimann-Saks, D., Elishar-Malka, V. (2017). Challenges and dilemmas in online agenda research: The relevance of the “Agenda Setting” theory in the new media era”. The 21th Annual Conference Israel Communication Association. Sapir Academic College. 2 April 2017
Elishar-Malka, V., & Ariel, Y. (2017. “To be where the news is happening…” Twitter as an arena for journalistic activity in Israel”. The 21th Annual Conference Israel Communication Association. Sapir Academic College. 2 April 2017.
Ariel, Y., Weimann-Saks, D., Malka, V., & Avidar, R. (2016). “Television and online social networks: Public agenda and media agenda during the 2015 Israeli elections”. The 20th Annual Conference of the Israel Communication Association. Kinneret Academic College. April 17 2016.
Ginosar, A., & Ariel, Y. (2016). “The online privacy paradox: Owners and Websites managers case study”. The 20th Annual Conference of the Israel Communication Association. Kinneret Academic College. April 17 2016.
Malka, V., Ariel, Y., Avidar, R., & Levy, E.C. (2015). Functional equivalence varies between old and new media in times of emergency. The 19th Annual Conference of the Israel Communication Association. April 2015. The Open University: Raanana
Krispil, O., Ariel, Y., & Nir, B. (2015). Intimacy in online social networks. The 19th Annual Conference of the Israel Communication Association. April 2015. The Open University: Raanana
Ginosar, A., & Ariel, Y. (2015). Users concerns in relation to privacy online: The Israeli case. The 19th Annual Conference of the Israel Communication Association. April 2015. The Open University: Raanana
Malka, V., Ariel, Y., Avidar, R., & Levy, E.C. (2015). New technology in a national emergency: the case of “WhatsApp”. Chais Conference for the Study of Innovation and Learning Technologies: Learning in the Technological Era. February 2015. The Open University: Raanana.
Malka, V., Ariel, Y., Avidar, R., & Levy, E.C. (2014). The Smart Mobile Phone: Examining its roles in the lives of Israeli Students. Chais Conference for the Study of Innovation and Learning Technologies: Learning in the Technological Era. February 2014. The Open University: Raanana.
Avitay, S., Ariel, Y., & Rafaeli, S. (2014). Prominent participants in online knowledge communities. The 19th Annual Conference of the Israel Communication Association. April 2014. Netanya Academic College.
Levy, E.C., Rafaeli, S., & Ariel, Y. (2014). A Closer Look at Chat as a Continuing Interruption during Cognitive Task. The Second Israeli Human-Computer Interaction Research Conference (IsraHCI), January 14th, 2014. IBM Research Center, Haifa, Israel
Ariel, Y., Malka, V., Avidar, R., & Levy, E.C. (2013). ‘Smartphone Usage Patterns of Young Israelis.’ The First Israeli Human-Computer Interaction Research Conference (IsraHCI), January 15th, 2013, the Interdisciplinary Center (IDC), Herzliya, Israel
Levy, E.C., Ariel, Y., & Rafaeli, S. (2013). ‘Digital gaps in smartphone usability in Israel.’ The 44th Annual Conference of the Israel Sociological Society, February 18-19, 2013, Ruppin Academic Center, Hefer Valley
Levy, E.C., Rafaeli, S., & Ariel, Y. (2013). ‘Chat as a “continuing Interruption” to Cognitive Task.’ Chais Conference 2013: The Research Center for Innovation in Learning Technologies 2013, February 19-20, 2013, The Open University, Raanana
Ariel, Y., Malka, V., Avidar, R., & Levy, E.C. (2013). ‘Smartphone Usage Patterns of Young Israelis.’ The First Israeli Human-Computer Interaction Research Conference (IsraHCI), January 15th, 2013, the Interdisciplinary Center (IDC), Herzliya, Israel
Levy, E. C., Rafaeli, S., & Ariel, Y. (2011). “Effect of richness of interruption messages on the quality of cognitive performance” Presented at the 15th Annual Conference of the Israel Communication Association, University of Haifa, Haifa
Ariel, Y., & Avitay, S. (2011). “Uses and exposure on Facebook: the Israeli Case” Presented at the panel ‘From Blogs to Wikis: a brave new world?’ At the 15th Annual Conference of the Israel Communication Association, University of Haifa, Haifa
Rafaeli, S., Ariel, Y., Katsman, M. (2010). Youth Online: online shopping usage patterns. Administration for Research and Economy, Ministry of Industry, Trade and Labor, Israel
Avidar, R., & Ariel, Y. (2008). “Interactivity and responsiveness: Is there a place for confusion?”. Presented at Communicating: Student Research Conference, University of Haifa, December 2008
Avidar, R., & Ariel, Y. (2008). “New media: Interactivity and responsiveness.” Presented at the panel ‘What’s New in New Media?’ At The 12th Conference of the Israel Communication Association, Tel-Aviv
Rafaeli, S., Ariel, Y., & Hayat, T. (2007). “Virtual knowledge-building communities and users’ motivations: Wikipedia as a case study.” Presented at The 11th Annual Conference of the Israeli Communication Association. The Open University of Israel, Raanana March 2007
Rafaeli, S., Ariel, Y., & Hayat, T. (2007). “Wikipedia as a knowledge virtual community: a multilingual comparison of Wikipedians perceptions.” Presented at The 38th Annual Conference of the Israeli Sociological Society. University of Haifa, February 2007
Ariel, Y. (2006). “Interactivity, Cognition and Information Value.” Presented at The Doctoral Students Conference of the Netvision Institute for Internet Studies – NIIS, Tel Aviv University, March 2006
Rafaeli, S., Ariel, Y., & Hayat, T. (2006). “Virtual knowledge community -The Hebrew Wikipedia.” Presented at the 37th Annual Conference of the Israeli Sociological Society, Bar-Ilan University, March 2006
Hayat, T., & Ariel, Y. (2006). “Gratifications and Sense of Community among Wikipedia users.” Presented at ‘Communicating’: student research conference, University of Haifa. January 2006
Ariel, Y., & Levanon Y. (2005). “Networked Communities: Uses Typologies of Local Distribution Lists.” Presented at The 36th Annual Conference of the Israeli Sociological Society. Tel-Hai Academic College, February 2005
Levanon, Y., & Ariel, Y. (2004). “Distribution Lists in Light of the Uses and Gratifications Approach.” Presented at ‘Communicating’: student research conference, University of Haifa. December 2004
Current Undergraduate Courses:
Virtual reality (Elective - Research Seminar)
Quantitative communication research methods (Mandatory)
Digital culture (Mandatory)
Network analysis and social media (Elective)
Veni, Vidi, Vici: A journey to Wikipedia, Apple & Google (Mandatory/Elective)
Cyber Culture (Mandatory)
(Some) Previous Courses:
Computer-mediated communication (Research Seminar)
Media genres (Undergraduate - Elective)
Information & knowledge in the digital age (Elective – Online course)
SPSS - Computerized statistics (Undergraduate Mandatory)
Descriptive and inferential statistics (Undergraduate Mandatory)
Virtual communities (Research Seminar)
Community evaluation and digital gaps (Undergraduate - Advanced Project)
Qualitative communication research methods (Undergraduate - Mandatory)
Management information system (Postgraduate - Mandatory)
Digital political marketing (Postgraduate - Mandatory)
Advanced research methods (Postgraduate - Mandatory)
Reading CMC (Postgraduate - Mandatory)
Moderator of Honor B.A Theses
Research Students
Sharona Avitay* - “Prominent on Online Knowledge Communities as Opinion Leadership.”
Or Krispil* - “Wall of Shame: Shaming and Online Social Networks.”
Yaffa Palmon** - “Interactivity in Israeli press talkbacks.”
Yovav Gat** - “Evaluating and sharing information in online communities.”
Michal Galili** - “Instances of words in a daily newspaper as an expression of technological innovation adoption.”
Rinat Barsky** - “Parental mediation: Parents assessments regarding children’s online exposure to violent and sexual content.”
Dafna Itzkovich** - “The relationship between anxiety and the use of online social networks.”
Serge Kohn** - “Holocaust denial: Internet and the Spreading of a French Ideology.”
Moran Meidan** - “The influence of tie strength on social information evaluation and information adoption in online environments.”
Uriel Hermon** -“The relationship between personality characteristics and digital literacy to online distribution of memes.”
Noga Maoz** -“Implementation of a social network in the academic library discovery-tools system: Examination of students satisfaction and motivation to use the system.”
Vlad Vasiliu**** -“Virality and popularity in online social networks: Conceptual distinctions, empirical measurement and predictors of message virality.”
Chen David Barda*** - "The relationship between the smartphone intrusion as a blur of work-life boundaries to employee well-being: The effect of Smartphone usage, permanently connection and organizational expectations."
* M.A, Thesis at the Department of Communication, University of Haifa; ** M.A, Thesis at the Department of Information & Knowledge Management, University of Haifa; *** M.A, Thesis Department of Organizational Development and Consulting, College of Jezreel Valley; **** Ph.D. Dissertation, at the Department of Communication, University of Haifa
Yaron was born in July 1975. Lives in Rosh-Pina, Israel.
Married to Yael and father of two sons - Uri (18 yrs.) and Ido (16 yrs.)
Postal Address: Dr. Yaron Ariel. Department of Communication, Emek Yezreel Academic College. Emek Yezreel. 19300. Israel
Office: Communication Building (1), Emek Yezreel Academic College
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/yaron.ariel
Email: yarona@yvc.ac.il
Homepage: http://yaronariel.com